- Unpacking the Instrumental Variables Approach, with Rajdeep Grewal, Journal of Marketing Research, IMPACT, August 2024.
- Motivated Optimism and Workplace Risk, with Alain Cohn and Collin Raymond, The Economic Journal, 134(663), 2024.
- Intrinsic Information Preferences and Skewness, with Yusufcan Masatlioglu and Collin Raymond. American Economic Review, 113 (10), 2023. online appendix
- The Tale of Two Pandemics: Partisan Gaps Over Time, with Ying Fan and Dana Turjeman, PlosOne, 18, no. 10 2023. (Subsumes Heterogeneous Actions, Beliefs, Constraints, and Risk Tolerance during the COVID-19 Pandemic, with Ying Fan and Dana Turjeman, NBER working paper no.27211.)
- Reaching for Gold: Frequent-Flyer Status Incentives and Moral Hazard, with Tong Guo and Andreas Hagemann. Marketing Science, 41(3), 2022. online appendix
- Gender (Still) Matters in Business School, with Aradhna Krishna, Journal of Marketing Research, 59(1), 2022.
- Frugality is Hard to Afford, with Michael Palazzolo. Journal of Marketing Research, 2019.
- How Price Dispersion Changes when Upgrades are Introduced: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Airline Industry, with Izak Duenyas and Yao Cui. Management Science, 2018.
- Perceived Motives and Reciprocity. Games and Economic Behavior, 109, 2018.
- Impact of Competition on Product Decisions: Movie Choices of Exhibitors, with Pradeep Chintagunta and Sriram Venkataraman. Marketing Science, 35 (1), 2015.
- Spatial Differentiation in the Supermarket Industry: The Role of Common Information. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Volume 11, Issue 1, .
- Conditional Projection: How Own Evaluations Impact Beliefs about Others Whose Choices Are Known, with Oleg Urminsky. Journal of Marketing Research, vol 50, Issue 1, 2013.
- A Reflection on Analytical Work in Marketing: Three Points of Consensus, with Thomadsen, R., Zeithammer, R., Mayzlin, D., Pazgal, A., Purohit, D., Rao, R., Riordan, M., Shin, J., Sun, M., Villas-Boas, J.M. Marketing Letters, vol 23 (2), 2012.
- Optimal Product Line Design When Consumers Exhibit Choice-Set Dependent Preferences. Marketing Science, 28 (5), 2009.
- Interrelated Discrete Choice Models of Firms Strategic Decisions, with Draganska, M., Misra, S. , Aguirregabiria, V., Bajari, P., Einav, L., Ellickson, P., Horsky, D., Narayanan, Y., Reiss, P., Seim, K., Singh, V., Thomadsen, R. and Zhu, T., Marketing Letters, Volume 19, Issue 3–4, 2008.
- Auction Fever: The Effect of Opponents and Quasi-Endowment on Product Valuations, with James Heymand and Dan Ariely. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(4), 2004.
- Misguided Effort, with Christoph Drobner (under review)
- Is There a Vantage Advantage?, with Jun Li, Jagadeesh Sivadasan, Helen Wang
- School’s Out, Now What? with Zoey Chopra (Winner: ASHEcon Conference Program Chair Award) (slides)
- Advertising and Disparities in Mortgage Refinancing, with Zhenling Jiang and Donggwan Kim (slides)
- Anatomy of a Reference-Point: Revisiting Taxi Drivers Quitting Decisions, with Yuqing Gu
- Catching up: Work Intensity and Target Income, with Yuqing Gu and JK Chong
- Physician Schedules and Quality of Care, with Zoey Chopra and Jeff Kullgren
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